The fastest CPU (mainstream) averages a speed of 100% |
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz, turbo 3.8 GHz (avg)
Memory 83.3
1-Core 132
2-Core 266
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz, turbo 3.9 GHz (avg)
Memory 78.7
1-Core 135
2-Core 259
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz
Memory 76.8
1-Core 133
2-Core 268
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz, turbo 3.8 GHz (avg)
Memory 80.1
1-Core 132
2-Core 265
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz, turbo 3.85 GHz (avg)
Memory 73.2
1-Core 131
2-Core 268
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz, turbo 3.5 GHz (avg)
Memory 73.7
1-Core 126
2-Core 249
, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz
Memory 55.3
1-Core 130
2-Core 257
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz, turbo 3.7 GHz (avg)
Memory 58.5
1-Core 128
2-Core 248
FP6, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 3 GHz, turbo 3.3 GHz (avg)
Memory 48.6
1-Core 122
2-Core 219