The XT series of Ryzen CPUs barely outperform their cheaper X and non-X counterparts: 3600, 3600X, 3800X, 3900X. Outside of encoding workloads such as UserBenchmark 64-core, Cinebench, Blender-CPU and Handbrake-CPU the Ryzen architecture remains limited by relatively high latency and the associated gaming bottleneck (frame drops). Dedicated hardware such as NVENC or QuickSync remains far more efficient than CPU cores for encoding. CPU based encoding is akin to using hair clippers on a lawn. The best value CPU amongst the Ryzen range is the 3300X which is the first design to focus on delivering lower latency, and therefore better performance where users need it, rather than “Moar Coars”. Aside from the army of anonymous influencers on social media (reddit, forums, youtube etc.), users will be hard pressed to find rational arguments that favor the XT variants over their cheaper predecessors. [Jul '20CPUPro]
We calculate effective speed which measures real world performance for typical users. Effective speed is adjusted by current prices to yield a value for money rating. Our calculated values are checked against thousands of individual user ratings. The customizable table below combines these factors to bring you the definitive list of top CPUs. [CPUPro]
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